Joanne Rebek

b.1960 Chicago | Lives and works in Michigan

Group Exhibitions

2022 Artist Talk/ Winter Wanderings/ Saugatuck Douglas Art Club

2022 Conceal/Reveal [Group Exhibition] LaFontsee Galleries, Grand Rapids, MI

2022 In Cohoots [Group Exhibition] LaFontsee Galleries, Grand Rapids, MI

2022 Emerging [Group Exhibition] LaFontsee Galleries, Grand Rapids, MI

2021 [Group Exihibition] Liminal | LaFontsee Galleries, Grand Rapids, MI

2020 [Group Exhibition] Solid Ground | LaFontsee Galleries, Grand Rapids, MI

2019 Art Demo- Holiday Boutique Pop-Up | LaFontsee Galleries, Grand Rapids, MI

2019 [Group Exhibition] MIX-IT-UP | LaFontsee Galleries, Grand Rapids, MI

2019 [Group Exhibition] Eye Opener: alternative views of summer, LaFontsee Galleries, GR, MI

2019 Open Ended: a continuation | LaFontsee Galleries, Grand Rapids, MI

2019 Revive Group Show | LaFontsee Galleries, Grand Rapids, MI

2019 Hold Dear: Objects to Collect & Cherish | LaFontsee Galleries, Grand Rapids, MI

2018 Coalesce | LaFontsee Galleries, Grand Rapids, MI

Extended Ceramic Studies

2017-18 Extensive experimentation in structural forms and glazes

2008-11 Continued advanced courses in Ceramics Arts, College of DuPage

2011 Throwing, Spraying and Firing Techniques, Steven Hill Workshop

2010 Private advanced class in throwing techniques, Khnemu Studio, LLC

1986 Broad member of Lill Street Gallery, Chicago

1983-86 Raku Glazing and Firing, Lill Street Gallery, Chicago

Education and Graphic Design Career

1982 Bachelor of Fine Art, Northern Illinois University, IL

1988-2017 Principle of a Chicago based Packaging Design Firm, JOED Design, Inc